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I look forward to helping you improve your business and your marketing!
But before you go....I have something I want to share with you.
>>>>>Click Here to Get Learn More About a Strategy Only My Top Clients Have Ever Seen.....You Won't Regret It!
You don't have months to wait for results from SEO, Social Media, and other long term strategies. You need results today from a predictable and repeatable (and almost unlimited) traffic and lead generation system.
You have to see this! Click Here.
Continue reading on to learn more about some of my marketing systems and some things you can integrate into your remodeling business right away
7 Super Effective and Easy Strategies from Ryan's Highly Successful "Remodelers Edge" Marketing System That Will Have You Booked Solid Within 60 Days.
This is Your Ultimate Solution to Getting More Leads, Landing More Jobs, Getting More Customers, and Charging More $$$!
If you have a burning desire to succeed and a "fire in your belly" to prove to all those who said you couldn't do it that you CAN, you are the person I want to help. If you are finally ready to make a ton of money with your remodeling business, or you simply want to continue to grow steadily, then get ready for 7 Strategies that thousands of people just like you have used to turn their businesses into lucrative cash machines. These strategies work year round and in any economy and with just about any remodeling service...
Dear Friend,
Hi there, this is Ryan Paul Adams - Founder of PME 360 and creator of "Remodelers Edge" Marketing Systems and Power Local Pro. I have personally been in the remodeling industry for most of my life and have now built a successful marketing and consulting business where I teach other remodeling business owners like you how to make a lot of money in their businesses. I am an author, speaker, and married father of 2.
But I want to be clear on something before you read on. I DO want to teach you how to be successful, but what I also want to share with you something I have developed and designed as a complete, done for you marketing system.
I want you to learn how to be fully immersed in your marketing, but I want you to leverage your time and your resources and learn how to let others do most of the heavy lifting.
To accomplish this, you need focus on 7 Super Effective and Easy Strategies to grow and make lots of money.
I don't want you to be just "busy". I want you to be super profitable and I want you to have more free time and generate more freedom in your business. Being busy for the sake of being busy stinks! Running a highly successful remodeling business that operates like a finely tuned machine is what I want for you.
And I get it….you feel you need to continue to show everyone how hard you work to prove to the world that you have a solid work ethic. But you are probably focusing on the wrong kind of hard work and I want you to STOP and take a step back. If you spend the majority of your time bouncing around from job to job and continually focus on getting the jobs done, you are NOT focusing on the right things. Spending all of your time focusing on your projects will never give you the freedom you desire.
But what will?
A Laser Sharp Focus on Marketing with a Great System!
"Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two- and only two-functions. Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, all the rest are costs." - Peter Drucker
This is a pretty powerful quote but so very true! In fact, the #1 reason most businesses struggle is because they have this concept completely backward. They drown in production, wasting day after day dealing with getting stuff done and they fail to understand and focus on marketing and innovation - the ONLY thing that really matters at the end of the day.
NOW IMAGINE being booked solid months in advance, ALL YEAR (not just during the "busy season")!
IMAGINE running a successful, high margin, multi-million dollar operation that no longer required every ounce of your physical and mental energy for it to be successful. Imagine finally getting to a point where you can work "on" your business and not "in" your business every day.
I also don't want you to have a business that is limiting your growth. I personally hate hearing about businesses that have to turn away good paying customers because they simply can't handle the growth. Utilizing my systems, strategies, and techniques, you should never be stuck in this position again!
With a laser sharp focus and commitment to marketing your business you can finally generate the revenue and profit that you desperately need to hire the help you want. You can finally charge the premium you have always wanted to and no longer have to be reduced to a commodity and compete on price alone.
There is NO competition when you implement my 7 Strategies. I know that is a bold statement but there really isn't because so few remodeling businesses really want to be great. I estimate that about 5% really want to be the best at what they do and won't rest until they achieve that status level. Are you one of those 5% or do you at least desire to be? If so, I can help you. If not, I don't know of anyone that can help you.
Take a few minutes right now and read through this FREE information and you will learn HOW TO:
- Build "Real" Authority In Your Market by Becoming the Expert
- Get a LOT More Higher Paying Jobs
- Attract Your Ideal Clients and Eliminate the Grinders
- Automate Your Marketing to Point Where Its Consistent and Systemized All Year
- Directly Go After Your Target Marketing Online and Offline With Ease
- Reduce the Complexity of Your Business and Actually Make a LOT MORE MONEY
Again, this isn't for everyone and this probably sounds too good to be true right now.
But stay with me…
I know you think you are in a highly competitive business and a highly competitive market. It seems that everyone is getting in your business and operates some kind of remodeling business and you are constantly competing against low ball prices.
But trust me when I tell you that very few businesses implement even a fraction of what I am going to show you. Every single market is virtually wide open to quality remodeling businesses to take over and dominate. You don't need to compete on price ever again.
When you decided to start your remodeling business, you probably never set out to be stressed out about lack of money to meet payroll, staring at an empty schedule, wondering where the next job was going to come from, trying to figure out how to pay the huge pile of bills on your desk before you get your next client to pay you, working 6-7 days per week just trying to keep your head above water….Is this what you wanted? Probably not and I don't want you to give up just yet.
There is a better way.
I struggled immensely when I first started in the remodeling and home building industry, then I started to succeed, then I took a huge risk and failed, and then succeed again. But when I first started, I chased prospects around all over town. I competed on price. I did loads of free estimates. I was burned by tire kickers. I did free designs to try and help land jobs.
None of it worked well enough to change anything in my life or my business….so I took a HUGE GAMBLE which turned into a nightmare mistake! But out of this mistake and insane struggle came the most important lessons I have ever learned in business and led me to my most important discovery yet! I never gave up during this turbulent time in my life and that following year we did well over $1,000,000 in sales in a small town in Maine.
The "Ah-ha" Moment That Changed My Life
Instead of laying around complaining about things, I was determined to figure out my business and to make it better. I wanted better for myself, my family, and all the people that depended on me. I began to invest heavily in knowledge and spent thousands of hours developing and learning so that I could be the best entrepreneur in the world. I stopped being a technician and started working on my business.
I was also faced with a huge crisis and was suddenly staring at a mountain of crushing debt and a bad business deal that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. As they say, "necessity is the mother of invention" and I was desperate and needed to act fast. I had no one I could turn to that could help me get out of the mess that I was in. I was forced to become more innovative and I needed more revenue FAST!
Late one night, I remember reading a marketing book and I had a HUGE "ah-ha" moment that changed everything. I realized something very important - I was doing exactly the same thing as everyone else. I sounded the same. My offer was the same. There was absolutely nothing unique or important about anything I was offering. I was boring. I was forgettable and I had not even come close to being considered an "expert" in my industry even though I knew more than most.
People chase the expert. The expert doesn't chase anyone. Boom! I knew in that moment I had to flip everything I was doing on its head and do things VERY differently. I needed to create a proven path for my business to succeed, and that is what I did and it started with creating a unique marketing message and service to back that up.
I needed something the market desperately needed and that we were already doing but we could explain quickly and easily why we were better. And I needed to get my message out there FAST and it had to be EASY for the right people to say YES over and over and over again.
Here I had all the tools, all the training, and all the resources I needed to be successful and I was making like $30k a year when I started. While I wasn't a complete failure, it sure felt like it at the time. I started immediately putting into action the things I was learning and some big changes started to happen…
People started seeking me out. I became the only game in town (and surrounding towns) for a very specific service I started to offer. This wasn't much different than I was already doing, but it was all in how I was positioned. I quickly became the authority in my market and my services cost more than most of my competitors and I was able to charge for my time from the get go.
The RIGHT People started to say YES more often at the price I set, not them. I stopped doing free estimates and we quickly did over $1,000,000.00 that year (and this was back in 2006 when the real estate and economy started to tank!). I knew I had something super powerful at my disposal so I decided to go all in and show others how to do the same and that is where we are at now. I am ready to help you do the same if you are ready.
You can apply these 7 Strategies to any type of remodeling business, but this works exceptionally well for focused businesses like replacement contractors or those that offer only 1 or 2 services.
Are You Ready for the 7 Strategies to Easy Success in Your Remodeling Business?
The Best Marketing WINS Every Time!
I want to reassure you that you are in the right business. Of that much I am certain. If you are not generating the kind of money you desire, there are probably several factors that are contributing to your demise. Most of these things can be fixed if you are willing to work at it and follow a proven system.
Remodeling markets are growing all across the country and there are plenty of businesses are making a ton of money. The top remodelers and replacement contractors in each market are absolutely raking in the cash. There is no reason why you can't be one of them.
But at the end of the day, there is only one person you can blame if you aren't successful. It is YOU. And it typically starts with your mindset, your lack of marketing (or lack luster strategy), lack of systems, lack of vision, lack of the right people, and trusting the wrong people.
You aren't selling $50 widgets here; you are selling HIGH Ticket remodeling services that people really need. Just a few more high quality projects per year can make all the difference but you can't get there investing zero time or zero money in your marketing. It just won't happen.
So what do you really need?
You probably think you need better people or a better service, but before you can get the money to improve either of those key areas, YOU NEED BETTER MARKETING. Better marketing and a serious commitment to lead generation will without a doubt lead to more growth!
And more growth leads to more money which will allow you to solve a lot of other problems.
Here are the 7 Most Important, Critical Strategies You Need To Implement Now to Become the Dominant Player You Strive to Be
1) Better Marketing Systems Win Every Time
You need great marketing to get the attention of your target prospect. And that starts with a full understanding of who your target prospect is and who it is NOT. Not everyone is a prospect. You can't build a great marketing system that is scalable and works year round without first determining who you want to go after. The problem is you need to be marketing both online and offline for maximum reach and effectiveness and this requires both knowledge and effort.
You NEED: SEO, Google Maps, Web Presence Management, Social Media, PPC, Display, Email Marketing, Print Newsletters, Direct Mail, Sales Letters, Referral Marketing, Reputation Marketing, Joint Ventures, Print Advertising, Yellow Pages, and Possibly Radio or TV if you need a boost and want some additional exposure.
Yes, you probably need to be doing all of this eventually if you really want to be a dominant force. Or if your sales are flat year after year, implementing the best online strategy you can afford will give you a big boost. Then you can start going after the other offline stuff over time.
Or at the very least, you need at least 4 solid marketing methods that you can implement and tap into to generate a heaping pile of new prospects and new customers. 1 or 2 just isn't enough and it will become dangerous to your business to rely on just those 1 or 2 methods.
And finally, in regards to marketing, you really need a great offer. Something your target audience simply can't refuse. I highly recommend that you disguise educating your prospect with a short informational 10-20 page book. Wrap that up with your "estimate" or "discovery consultation" or "9 Point Inspection".
You can offer discounts, but I would rather you offer more value to your prospects than reduce your prices.
We have a solution for this.
2) Better Reputation Wins Every Time
At the end of the day, your reputation is all you have. If your reputation isn't great or it is non-existent, you can't win in your market - at least not anymore. Not with sites like Google, Yelp, and Angie's List leading your customers down the path to making the choice of contractor to hire.
- 82% of Internet Users Look at Other Peoples Reviews
- 82% of Internet Users Trust Customer Reviews Over Expert Reviews
People trust others who say nice things about your business. So why don't you have loads of reviews online, video testimonials, written testimonials, testimonial letters, etc? Because you probably haven't had the time or the motivation to put this in place, but you need it NOW more than ever with sites like Yelp, Google+, Angies List and the likes ruling how consumers choose contractors.
We have a solution for this problem as well.
3) Better Traffic and a Better Lead Wins Every Time
Not all traffic (online and offline) is created equal and if you have a lousy website that isn't built for all computers, devices, and browsers you are losing business. No doubt about it.
Your website is so important I can't even begin to explain on this page all the ways that it benefits your business. A half-ass site that you built or someone you know built three years ago won't cut it in this new economy and new age of marketing any longer.
Likewise, the cheap-o site that some "expert" threw together for you for $500 also isn't going to help you thrive or else you wouldn't be reading this right? Additionally, not all leads are created equal and you need to weed out the tire kickers and poor quality leads right from the start.
Where are you getting your traffic or "interest" in your services? If it isn't coming from Google, I would venture to guess that you are missing about 50% of your potential market. Every single city and town in the US has ready and willing customers looking for your services. If you aren't found, you aren't doing yourself or the people who depend on you any justice.
We have an awesome solution for this problem.
4) Better Offer Wins Every Time
At the end of the day you aren't just a remodeling business, you are a consultant. So I really need you to STOP acting like you are providing a widget and reducing yourself to a commoditized service….and START acting like you are providing a life changing service that needs educating and a serious discussion before you do it!
You are selling services that average $6k, $20k, $100k or more and you aren't willing to commit to putting systems in place that pre-sell these high ticket services? Why? Seems kind of crazy to me.
Providing great information that educates the consumer as to what to look for before they hire someone in your industry is massively important!
Creating a book, whitepaper, and better content that educates and pre-sells you as the clear choice in your market is competition crushing stuff!
And yes…..We have a solution for this.
5) Best Unique Positioning Wins Every Time
Odds are you aren't making an impact in your local marketing because you sound like everyone else. You haven't clearly established your guarantee and you haven't determined (shouted) to your prospects what makes you better and different. That needs to change today if you stand any chance of being memorable. Your uniqueness is there but you may have to dig deep to discover what it is and how to get that messaging out there.
Are you starting to get the idea here?
We have also created a solution for this.
6) The Perceived Expert Wins Every Time
Expert level status is not as difficult to achieve as you may think. Sure it requires some careful planning and the right strategy behind it, but it is actually much quicker to achieve than you have been led to believe. As I said earlier….people chase the expert. The expert doesn't chase anyone. Think of your favorite celebrity or athlete.
Do you think that they chase people to meet them or do business with them? I doubt it.
And for your remodeling business, I am not talking about becoming a well known celebrity. You aren't going to be out on the town have people hunting you down for your autograph, unless you become the next Bob Vila.
What I am suggesting is that you become a clearly positioned EXPERT/AUTHORITY in your remodeling niche (and this is a lot easier if you have a niche or specialty).
To become the clear expert in your market is not as difficult as you may think but it does require careful planning and the right strategy to implement. You could start by writing a book and accompany that with instructional videos posted on YouTube about your remodeling specialty. Getting a physical book or eBook in the hands of your prospects will leave your competition wondering where all the business went. It is a game changer!
We have a solution for this.
7) Best "Niche" Provider Wins Every Time
I have worked with a lot of different remodeling companies and some specialize in just roofing, or basements, or stick to working on exteriors only. Some specialize in nothing and attempt to offer everything you can imagine that a home would need.
I am here to tell you that from my own experience investing hundreds of hours examining remodeling business models and spying on the TOP 100 Remodelers in the country, you need to STOP being everything to everyone.
If you have already picked your specialty, I am here to congratulate you! You are ahead of the game and by implementing the 7 strategies I have listed here you will absolutely kill it.
And by packaging your niche services better, you can multiply your revenue 3-10x's or more in a short period of time.
For those that haven't picked a specialty, I understand why. You are afraid. You are scared to give up paying gigs because you don't know where the next one is going to come from. I get it, believe me it is hard to tell paying customers that you don't offer that service anymore. But if you really want to grow and you don't have a $50,000/month marketing budget, you need to perfect ONE SERVICE in your business and pour your heart and soul into that.
Once you have built a stable, predictable revenue stream from that, you can consider adding on other complimentary remodeling services.
Doing this any other way simply DOES NOT WORK!
And if you are a full-service design/build remodeling company and that is how you have made your living, is this type of business really something you can systematically grow? It is very difficult and I am not telling you to quit and fire all your customers tomorrow, but you need to start thinking about adding that ONE SERVICE that you can replicate and systemize over and over and over again.
Custom work is fine if that is your passion and you can make money doing it, but it is very difficult for a small-medium sized business owner to perfect this type of business model.
By focusing on ONE SERVICE a few incredible things start to happen.
- You can build an incredible marketing message that is super targeted to the people who desperately want this ONE SERVICE.
- You can "package" your ONE SERVICE into Good, Better, Best options and streamline your estimates, improve profitability because believe or not, people will choose your more expensive option more often than not…..but only if you can make it easy to understand and easy to say YES to!
- You can split test different offers for this ONE SERVICE and finally find the right headline/offer that causes a massive pile of the right customers to hire you.
- Your marketing budget starts to actually work vs. getting watered down amongst the 10 other things you are offering.
- You can finally determine who your ideal prospect really is and give this market exactly what they are looking for.
- You can start getting high quality joint venture deals in place with non-competing service providers and related people in your industry.
- You become known as the ONE SERVICE EXPERT. All of your efforts start to come together and your laser sharp focus begins to rapidly multiply your income 2x's, 5x's, 10x's, 20x's and more!
I love one-trick ponies. They are efficient. They are focused. They are positioned to grow much faster than those businesses that fight themselves and fail to get rid of the 10 other services they provide. Those businesses have a huge identity crisis and have no idea who they want to be and who their ideal customer actually is.
Stop right now and figure out what service you are offering brings in 60-80% of your revenue. Can't you make a better business just doing that? In every profession on earth, doesn't the "specialist" almost always make a lot more money than the "generalist"? The remodeling industry is no different.
Those remodelers that have the focus and commitment on delivering ONE SERVICE, now is your chance to take the next jump and implement better marketing systems, operational systems, and scale into other markets. Once you have a formula (system) that works, there is no reason you need to stop and serve only one geo-graphic area. You now have the power of scaling and growing infinitely more than your "generalist" will ever have.
Remodeling Isn't Always SEXY… and Frankly, Your Customers Are Terrified to Hire You
You are probably already aware of this but the remodeling industry isn't always glamorous and sexy. Sure an awesome kitchen remodel or new man cave has some glitz and glamour to it, but getting there is just plain hard and dirty work.
Your remodeling services, whether they address an immediate need like replacing a roof, or more "dream" oriented for the homeowner, are extremely important to our community. Without you we would all be in rough shape as a society. People really need you. You are a necessity.
The problem is though; you are in an industry chock-full of thieves, terrible providers and shady business owners. The vast majority of our society immensely distrusts remodeling contractors or contractors of any kind. To say they are skeptical is an understatement. Your customers are terrified!
And it doesn't help that shows like "Holmes on Homes" bring to light every week on television how bad some contractors really are. It is hard enough to compete in business without massive, nationwide skepticism beating you down. But this is where I thrive and is the backbone of my marketing systems….
Overcome the Skepticism and Fears in Any Market with a Proven Marketing System
Are you open to following instructions? Are you ready to implement a proven system that will remove any apprehensions your prospects have about having a complete stranger come into their home? Are you ready to charge more than your competitors and still get the job with little fight from your prospects?
My marketing systems allow you to become the clear cut expert and the person your prospects come to trust and respect before you even meet them. A good marketing system not only brings you a flood of high quality prospects, but it also ignites a desire in people so they are eager to hire you to do the job. They want YOU and they know that you will do it right and stand behind what you do.
But here is the thing. A large percentage of you who will read this won't do anything at all. And that is fine. I understand why. You are scared to make the wrong decision and deep down in your gut you know that I can help you, but you don't trust yourself. You recognize that you are not going to listen and implement the strategies marketing system I give to you, even though my team and I are going to do 80-90% of the work. This isn't for you.
I can't promise that everyone that signs up with me is going to have the same results as my clients. Even my clients, with whom I have a great relationship, fail to implement everything I develop for them. The truth is, a lot of times, I want more for them then they want for themselves. And that is ok but you need to recognize if the opportunity I am about to reveal is the right move for you.
Also, every business is different and is at a different stage. Some only have a few new clients here and there and others are doing fairly well. I have some making well over $1 million per year and others struggling to clear $300,000 per year and a few in between. But my clients all have ONE THING in common….
My Clients Want Better For Themselves and They Want to Prove to the World That They CAN DO IT
I have this burning desire to succeed and I will stop at nothing to get there. I have easily invested over $100,000 in my education after college and over $300,000 (and still going) in developing the best online and offline marketing systems for my clients on the planet. I am a bit insane that way and completely obsessed with being the best at everything I do.
When I was 18 years old, I was a scrawny but talented baseball player who went from 160 lbs. my senior year in high school and throwing 85 MPH, to a 210 lbs. major league prospect by my junior year in college and reaching 94 MPH. That dream ended for me after a horrific leg injury but I know what it takes to be the best at whatever you put your mind to. Anything is possible and I refuse to believe any differently.
I remember early on in school when my teachers would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would always answer with "I want to be a baseball player". And I would get some snickers and laughs in my class because no one believed I could do it. They had never seen it done before and they knew of no one that had ever made it doing anything.
Deep down what I really wanted was to be a success story and to prove everyone wrong who doubted me….whether that was on the baseball field or in the business world, I knew I had that fire inside of me to be great.
If you don't have the fire and the desire, greatness will elude you forever. I refuse to fail ever again and that is one of the reasons I surround myself with great people who can help me get to the next level. And if you don't have high quality people involved in your business to help you get to where you want to go, you will continue to struggle. You can't do everything yourself and at some point you have to trust someone to help you.
There is Only So Much Time in the Day. Educate. Automate, and Get Out of the Way!
Your prospect wants to be educated. They don't want to be sold. They don't want to be pushed. They want to feel like you understand them at a much deeper level. All things being equal, they want to hire someone they like more and trust more. Your customer wants someone who gets inside of their head and addresses all of their concerns.
It isn't going to come down to money if your quote is at least reasonably in the ballpark. And you can't be everywhere at once and even your best sales person only has so much time to sell.
Are you running your business or is it running you? You need a marketing system that turns your marketing into a 24/7 sales machine. Your marketing must pre-sell and educate your customers before they even talk to you. This is the only way you can multiply your efforts and close more deals while working less, not more.
And as I mentioned before, you have to build authority, trust, and likeability FAST. Your prospects are busy. You must deliver the right message and the right time to the right person to be successful. This is all about positioning your business the right way and crafting the right offers for your market.
You must add value to your prospects life. If you don't feel you offer anything of value than you are in the wrong business. I can get this out of you! I know you have a great value proposition and uniqueness that you weren't even aware of.
Thanks for Reading This Far!
Here is How I Can Help You, and an Offer That I Know the Right Remodeling Business Owner Simply Can't Refuse…
As you may have seen if you have read my site, my book, or any other content I have out there right now, I want to help 10 remodeling businesses in a big way. To be honest, I can't do this for everyone and that is why I am limiting this to 10 businesses. This isn't some gimmick or "false scarcity" trick that other shady marketing gurus use.
I know what I can do and the staff I have in place can accommodate 10 more clients and that's it. Adding any more clients and I would need to move my office and hire 7 new people, which I may or may not do, but I can't do it right now. And it would take months to get those people trained and up to speed to where my core team is right now.
I want to give you access to my powerful marketing system built and designed exclusively for the remodeling industry.
And I am not talking about building you a cookie cutter $995 website and offline marketing system that some of the "other" providers are offering. That stuff doesn't work and you know it. If it worked why would they only be charging $995? Or even $2,000? It just doesn't make any sense. You are going to get what you pay for.
I am NOT going to give you this for FREE. And I am NOT going to discount a thing. No way. I value my time and I know what my team and I can bring to the table. This is game changing stuff. But I want you as a client forever and I want to make it super easy for 10 high quality remodeling businesses to sign up with me today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not "I need to think about this for a month"….Today!
If you can't recognize the value of what you are about to get here, than thinking about it for a week isn't going to change that.
This deal between you and I would be structured similar to a car lease, I am going to let you use the system and my team and I will completely customize it specific for your business, your market, and your needs. All I require is that you commit to having my team and I market your business for you so that we can ensure you get results. We are talking hundreds of hours invested by my team into your business.
In the past, I have charged anywhere from $15,000.00 to $50,000.00 to setup a complete marketing system for my clients. But you see, some of them hired me to do this and did absolutely nothing with it. Granted, my online system will get some results whether you market it or not due to the fact that the content created is optimized for search and even the laziest client I built these systems for got results quickly. But it killed me to see all of this effort wasted on lazy business owners who just didn't get it. There was so much more they needed to do and just didn't have the time or motivation to get it done.
Never again will I let that happen and put my name on something that is left out there to rot and decay. I only want clients who want more and see the value in having an outsourced team deliver them incredible results for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full time in-house team to do it for them!
Here is the Deal and 3 Options to Get Started With Me:
I have designed the perfect online marketing solution for 80% of the replacement contractor and remodeling industry to start with. This isn't for everyone and we don't accept everyone, but for those who want a great place to start, with an almost ZERO time investment on your part ---
Power Local Pro - Starter is your answer!
Simple. Effective. And a Great System to Start With to Get Your Remodeling Business More Leads and the Right Exposure Online.
How Can It Help You?
Get Your Local Business to the Top of Local Search and Start Dominating Your Local Market Today.
We design and build you a complete customized and optimized 10 page web site with professionally written and SEO optimized content that will make it easy for your prospects to say YES to your offer. Our marketing system is designed to get your prospects to convert into new customers.
And after your web site is built we do a whole bunch of online marketing work for you each and every month. Our Starter Solution is designed to help you get more traffic, improve your reputation, get more exposure, and leads along with helping you capture more of your referral traffic using over 8+ years of proven, tested, and safe marketing techniques.
The best part is, you don't have to do anything! There is NO learning curve, NO software to learn, and NO more work added to your plate. You can focus on your business and have the comfort of knowing that you have a solid team behind you working hard to help you grow your business.
What Do We Get Done For You?
First, we build you out a (10) Page Web Site Designed to Convert More Traffic Into Leads. Your site will be fully mobile responsive and built to convert traffic into new leads. We build your site on our revolutionary content management system, LocalPress 360 platform (our secret weapon against our competition!).
We make it super easy for you and our team to make updates, add new content, add new photos and video, add blog posts, and more!
And best of all….we built in our MyTrack Dashboard right into LocalPress 360 so you can see in real time your leads, calls, and rankings in search. To date, we are the only company on the planet that has this combination of technology built into a CMS.
The Web Site/Foundation
- (10) Page Web Site w/LP360 Basic Hosting and MyTrack Dashboard
- Standard Included Pages: Home, About Us, Up to (4) Services, Gallery, Reviews, Request Info, Contact Us
- (6) Pages Custom Content: 400-500 words, typically "service" pages or additional pages explaining your services
- Keyword Research and (5) Selected Keywords to Target
- Search Engine Optimization (5 Keywords)and Ongoing Optimization
- All the Local Search "Stuff" Google is Looking For (snippets, hcard, schema, hreview, authorship)
- (3) Lead Capture Forms
- Review Portal and Review Widget (Designed to Get You More Reviews)
- Photo Gallery (up to 20 photos added)
- Google Maps Integration
- Blog Setup
Remodeling Theme - Proven to Work in EVERY Local Market and Every Device
Monthly Marketing and Management
Constant change occurs in the online marketing world, but with Power Local Pro, you don't have to worry because we are on top of it!
Local Marketing and Google Maps Optimization
- Web Presence Management
- Google Maps Optimization for FAST ROI
- Customized and Optimized Google Places, Yahoo Local, and Bing Local Accounts
- Quarterly Press Release
- Social Bookmarking
- Article Marketing
- 130+ Local Listings and Web Presence Optimization (Our Secret Formula Works!)
- Ongoing Local Listings, Local Directory, and Hyper Local Directory Submissions
- Facebook, YouTube, Google +, Twitter, and (1) Niche Social Site - Created and Optimize
- Review Site Creation on Yelp, CitySearch, Google+ Local, and More
- Review/Testimonial Template Designed to Get You More Reviews and Build a Competition Crushing Reputation Online
- 60 Second Video Spot Creation, Optimization + Video Submissions to Top Video Sites
Monitoring, Tracking, and Support
- Project Management Dashboard
- Access to a Dedicated Marketing Team
- Weekly and Monthly Monitoring
- Daily Site Backups
- Advanced Spam and Security Protection
- LocalPress 360 Hosting - Included in Your Starter Plan!
- MyTrack Dashboard - Included in Your Starter Plan!
- Call Tracking
- Lead Tracking
- Ranking Reports
- Analytics Reports
It is an incredible amount of work and has taken years for us to perfect that system and formulas that go into our Power Local Pro solutions.
Or, for those who are super serious about dominating and taking things up a notch….
What is Your Investment?
Ready to Get Started?
Yes, I am interested in having your team do all of this work for me because I don't have the time nor the desire to micro-manage all of this. Let's Get Started TODAY!
I was tempted to license this system because it is so powerful and proprietary. It took over 8 years to develop and I don't want this being stolen or ripped off by copy cat competitors. But I want to make it easy for you to get started and I will probably regret letting this go for so little.
Here is your opportunity to do something today that will put your business in a better place tomorrow.
***By clicking the "Order Now!" Button and completing the order process, you are acknowledging with a digital signature that this is a 12-Month commitment and that you are serious and committed to having PME 360 do the Power Local Pro solution marketing work listed above. There are no complicated contracts or lengthy Terms of Service Agreements here. We will do everything we outlined on this page and will Guarantee to work hard for your business and do everything within the services listed above to help get you results online and offline.
By entering my information and completing the order/check out process, I authorize "PME 360" to charge my credit card for the TOTAL above using a secure online internet e-commerce system to process the credit card payment. I also further affirm that the name and personal information provided on this form are true and correct. I further declare that I have read and understand that I am enrolling in a monthly recurring subscription based monthly marketing service which requires a 12-month commitment, and requires a valid credit card to be on file at all times.
After 12-consecutive months have been paid for, you may elect to cancel with a written notice 60-days prior to your desired cancellation date. You further acknowledge that PME 360 is investing considerable time, effort, and money to get your web site and online marketing setup, and can only recoup that investment with your 12-monthly payments. A valid credit card must be on file at all times and only 1 failed charge attempt will be allowed before a 10% late fee per failed attempt will be billed to your card with each occurrence. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have a valid credit card and an adequate balance so we can charge the card.
I realize a 12-month commitment might be scary for some of you, but I also don't want to work with everyone. I want to work with those who are serious about growing and doing this the right way. With that being said, if at any time you want out, I will let you out of your commitment with me after 6-months. I don't want to work with people who don't want to work with me. Simply return your site and any/all materials and systems that we give you or created for you and you don't owe me another dollar. But if I catch you using anything I created without paying for, I will make every attempt allowed by law to get paid what is owed.
Our Simple 3x's Guarantee![is2smnrs_guarantee-symbol](
Guaranteeing results from marketing is tricky and most marketing providers simply don't do it. But we do! If after 8 consecutive months using Power Local Pro- Starter, if you have not generated at least 3x's your initial investment in new revenue direct from any the marketing services we have provided (web site included), we will work for up to the next 4-months until you do.
You must be able to provide documentation as to lack of results and be willing to listen to our consulting and coaching to help you get the results we promised. We have yet to have anyone in the history of our company take us up on this because we get results every time, but it is here to show you that we stand behind what we do.
Your Future is in Your Hands
I am confident we can help you. I know I can get 50% more growth from the referral business you are missing right now. I know I can get you 20-30% more exposure on Google and I know I can build a simple and effective marketing system that you can growth with. I can get you started today.
Don't wait. Don't procrastinate. Do something right now that will better your future and put you and your business in a better place.
Order Now
100% Secure and Verified Transaction.
Power Local Pro - Starter
2 Payments of $750 + $495/month
I sincerely look forward to working with those who see the vision and have the desire to be great.
Once you complete your order, we will reach out to you within 24-48 hours to go through next steps and getting you setup to succeed.
Need Something More Advanced?
Request a Free Strategy Session and we will explore some other solutions we can offer that are more advanced or get your questions answered.
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Ready our FAQ Section Here?