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Improve Search Engine Optimization by Blogging

Keyword rich content is a necessary element to successful search engine optimization. If you are trying to increase the amount of content that is on your website the answer may be as simple as starting a blog.

The idea of "blogging" can often be overwhelming for some business owners. Those that are less internet savvy may see it as a challenge they do not want to face. However if you're letting your concerns hold you back from blogging you're missing out on a fun and easy way to add valuable content to your website and improve your search engine optimization. There are several marketing studies available online that show a direct correlation to the amount of blog content to number of leads/sales generated. More Content = More Leads/Sales.

If you're not sure where to start with your blog here are a few helpful blogging tips to get you started.

Blog theme - Your blog needs a centralized theme. This will determine what you write about. Typically it is best to classify your genre and write within that scope. The search engines are constantly trying to figure out what your site is all about so that it can display your site pages within the search results. Writing within the niche you serve helps not only the search engines, but can position you as an expert in your field.

Don't pitch - The point of a blog is not to make a sale. Your blog is a great tool to position yourself as an industry expert and leader. Share your knowledge with the world and end it at that. At the most, at the end of your post, a small link to a Free Offer of some kind should be fine.

Good title - It sometimes takes as long to come up with a good title as it does to write an entire blog post. This is because your title is the best chance you have to catch your readers attention. Make it count! The title of your blog post is the 1st thing that the search engines will see. Incorporating some good keywords here makes a lot of sense.

Content length - Blog posts are typically brief, 300 words is good. But don't write much less because what we have found, for seo purposes, content is more effective if the content is 300 words or more.

Bring something new - Your audience has a lot of choices out there. Give them a reason to read your blog. Share new and cutting edge information. Make it really valuable and readers will come back again and again.

- Check your spelling and grammar before posting. No one wants to read poor writing.

Frequency - When you are just starting a new blog it's very important to post on a very regular basis. Shoot for 3 posts every week but as little as a few each month can hold your readership. If you don't post enough people will lose interest.

Share you Opinion - Share your opinion with your audience in a clear and concise way but keep your outlook positive. Don't bring anger and negativity into your blog posts, it will turn away readers.

Follow these tips and you can have a bustling blog in no time.