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Focusing on Production and Ignoring Your Marketing is Dangerous

I was consulting with a potential client today on one of our Free Strategy Sessions. Things were going really well and we were able to identify some key areas of his business that needed attention. At one point in the call he actually stopped and went silent for like 10 seconds and I wasn't sure if he was still on the call....finally he comes back on and says in kind of a solemn voice

"Ryan - no one has ever revealed to me the things that you just did. No one. I have been doing this for a long time and have hired a few consultants along the way to help me and they never mentioned any of this. This makes perfect sense to me and I can see the potential now. I really wish I had known this 10 years ago." 

It is for those simple "ah ha" moments that I do what I do. I firmly believe that I can change my little piece of the world by helping remodeling contractors figure out complex marketing and business problems. And it is not just about making more money it's about living a better lifestyle. With more marketing comes more awareness and infiltration in your market which drives leads, then jobs. More jobs means money, which in turn hopefully cash, and with cash comes the ability to hire, and hiring (employees, contractors, outsourcers, freelancers) frees you up to systemize your business and get more freedom to live your life. 

But like most remodeling businesses, my potential client is wearing too many hats. I could tell he was getting overwhelmed and all the gears in his head were spinning a bit. He couldn't fathom adding anything else to his plate right now even though he did not have enough jobs lined up and he was not making anywhere near the kind of money he wanted to be making after all these years in the business. While he probably needs to charge more for his services, he also desperately needs more business. 

Running a remodeling business is tough. I know this and you know this. But you aren't ever going to improve your situation without first figuring out your marketing and new client acquisition strategy. I typically do not send lengthy email replies like the one I am about to share, but I really felt a connection with this prospect and I sincerely want him to succeed (with or without me involved).

Why Marketing is The Key to Getting Out of the Chaos of Your Business - My Letter to My Prospect

I understand you are struggling on the production end of things and we can certainly help you figure some of this out. While we cannot solve all of your biggest problems on the production end, but having us involved solving some of your other big marketing and business problems will certainly help you in a big way. 

As part of our systems we include consulting and we can help you get in place the missing pieces you need to take your business to the next level. Some of these things are included, some of them you will pay extra for depending on what you need.  You don't just need more advice and consulting, you need people that can actually get stuff done for you and help you drive new business each and every day. 

This is priority #1 and I know it feels like putting out the other fires should be your top priority but it isn't and until you have complete control over your marketing and new business generation side of things, you will continue to run yourself in a lot of different directions. 

Why? Because if you are not marketing and driving new business, and focused on new client generation, you are not using your entrepreneurial hat. You are still operating as a technician. When you get control over your marketing and make this a priority your business will change and so will your life. But without this focus and a good team behind you that can hold you accountable, I am afraid you will be in the same position you are in 2 or 3 months from now. What is really going to change for you in the next 3 months? 

It sounds backward, but you NEED to focus on your marketing and make this a priority whether you do this yourself, hire someone in-house, or hire me and my team. Production is really secondary…or at least the effort spent on both need to match up somewhat. Production is important but it is not the most important thing (believe me I know what you are going through as I have struggled with this for years!). You will figure out the production end as you continue to work through the jobs and we can help you build some systems that will make things easier in the short term and the long term. 

Right now you are so bottom heavy with production issues and lack the lead flow and cash flow to hire the right people. If you don't get more jobs and more revenue, how are you going to solve your production end issues?   Typically you need cash to solve this problem and I don't typically recommend that you go out and borrow a lot of money to do this unless you have a great plan in place and really need this to grow fast. Your cash increase from marketing is what is going to solve your production issues, not the other way around. 

If you can simplify your service, I know you can find good people who can follow instructions to get the production end of things done. And with a couple more $50k or even $200k jobs, you would be able to hire some additional great people and develop better systems. 

Think about it...how can you solve your production issues without new revenue? You need to do what you feel is best and that is part of being the boss. Making tough decisions isn't easy but its part of our job as leaders to do this. You have some options here, but whatever you do, please don't ignore your marketing any longer. Do something today to make it better and over time your business will change forever. 

I am here if you need some help and I see a lot of potential for your business. If you want my help, I know I can get you to where you want to go if you are willing to put in some effort and stay in the fight.



I am not perfect and I make mistakes and there are infinite things to learn in this industry. But I know the above to be true because I have personally done it both ways in both my remodeling business and in my marketing consulting business. When I was failing and really struggling it was because I was not focusing on marketing and getting new jobs lined up. 

Need some help figuring out your strengths and weaknesses in your remodeling business? 

You are probably losing over a million dollars per year or more from bad marketing or NO marketing. Let me help you figure out what to do next with my Free Marketing Strategy Session. I also have a couple of additional bonuses I want to put in your hands as well. I am not sure how long we can offer this so sign up today to get on my schedule. Click here to find out more....

5 Things You Need to Do to Prepare for Growth in Your Remodeling Business

No matter what stage you are in with your current remodeling and home improvement business, the principles I am about to share (if applied) will help you prepare for growth in your business. It’s amazing how many business owners I meet with who aren’t implementing any of the core principles I am about to share with you. In every market, ample opportunity exists to grow your business, but most are not prepared to take the plunge.

Preparing to grow is as important as generating the growth, and to actually grow your business you have to have the “mentality of growth”. You have to want to grow if you have any dreams at all of finding financial freedom and getting out of the craziness of “doing” vs. running your business. Think about it, if you don’t grow, you can’t hire more people, you can’t get stuff off your plate, and you can’t buy your dream home on the Maine coast (or insert big dream purchase here). Worst of all, you probably can never sell the business you created. No business buyer that I know of wants to buy a business that has flat or decreasing sales year after year.

Find out the 5 Things You Need to Do to Prepare for Growth in Your Remodeling Business:

1) Focus on One Thing at a Time

Its truly amazing how many business owners I meet who run themselves ragged each and every day. Jumping from one task to the next and not really ever feeling like they accomplish anything. They are mentally drained, moody, ineffective, and the passion for what they are doing is slipping away. Stop being the “everything” to your business and focus in on one thing at a time. Instead of trying to get 3 things done at the same time, hammer out one specific task until its 80-90% done, or what we call “Good Enough”.

I will talk more about this in #2, but the successful business owners and entrepreneurs have mastered the art of getting stuff done, shutting off all distractions (phone, email, co-workers, internet, etc) and once that task is good enough, move onto something else.

2) Good Enough is Good Enough

Too many business owners procrastinate on getting specific high priority stuff done. And when they do get the time to actually work on something in their business, they want it to be perfect. Perfection is not a bad thing unless it’s preventing you from ever getting anything done. Most of the time, 80-90% completion on a task/business process/sales process/marketing strategy is going to be good enough to get you going and get you results. Get it out there and start using it and tweak it down the road as you get feedback from your employees or prospects.

Now, I am not suggesting that you settle for mediocrity in anything you do. But I would bet that most of you, when you are focused, produce better than average “stuff” and that “stuff” when integrated into your business should help you grow. From sales process checklists to marketing plans to implementing your internet marketing strategy, someone needs to be leading that charge or at least outlining what needs to be done. That person is typically you so get producing!

3) Become the Go-To Expert in Your Industry

Having a great product and great service is only half the battle in your market. Most companies have a pretty good product that would satisfy 80% of the market, while 20% of the market needs something a little more exclusive. What market are you trying to serve? If you are like most companies, you are going after the same 80% and it can get very competitive. You need to become the expert in your industry.

Designate someone within your business, preferably the owner or the guy/gal who’s blood, sweat, and tears has manifested the company, as the expert. This person needs to be producing awesome content in your blog on a regular basis, or hiring someone who can ghost write for them. In the timber frame market this is a little difficult because it truly is a very specific housing niche and not every writer can speak to this market. Also, consider writing a book or producing a “shook” (10-15 short book) that positions your company as the go-to-expert in your market.

There are lots of ways to craft yourself as the expert in your market like:

  • Podcasts
  • Start a Radio Show
  • Articles
  • Blogging
  • Create a Book
  • Webinars
  • Social Media
  • Instructional Videos
  • Seminars

I think you get the idea. Decide what platform or combination of platforms work best for you and start positioning yourself as the expert in your market before your competitors beat you to it. You need that platform to position yourself and the longer you wait to do this the harder it gets. Reverse engineer the people you look up to in your industry and see if you can implement some or all of what they are doing.

4) Put on a Show

No one wants to cold call or chase prospects around. You have to be properly positioned in your market to have people knocking down your door to do business with you. Become the business they remember for all the right reasons. Send your top prospects a digital book with virtual tours showcasing the lifestyle your prospects want with, and include a bottle of wine. Get creative with your “show: and I guarantee it will pay off. Think outside the box when it comes to putting on your show. The cost to acquire one new customer in the your market is probably not cheap and its not getting any cheaper. You have to maximize the potential of every prospect that you come in contact with. Positioning yourself as the expert and putting on that show will separate you from the crowd.

5) Creating Better Systems

More business owners moan and groan about this than anything else I suggest they do. You need to implement systems for everything you are doing, and create systems on how to create systems. Everything in your business needs a specific process for how it is going to get done. From hiring to firing to sales and marketing, and crafting the perfect customer experience, all need systems.  I highly recommend you read “The Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande. This book goes into great detail on how to create great checklists for everything you do. Remember, if you don’t have the grow mentality, you are not working on your product, you are not building systems to scale efficiently, and you are becoming less relevant in your market.

Your top competitors are growing which makes it even harder for you to continue on with the status quo. Why? 

Because they are getting more and more market share, so even if you are happy with the way things are, you won’t be for long. Having the growth mentality will eventually lead you to creating a great lifestyle for you and your employees and get you out of the chaos. There is no business that I know of that is static. Things are constantly changing and unless you adapt to change, and adapt fast, be prepared to be disappointed some day down the road when your competitors are 100 miles ahead, if they aren’t already.

Need more help growing your remodeling business? Take advantage of all the FREE resources I have on www.RyanPaulAdams.com and my download my "3 Killer Ways to Grow Your Remodeling Business" today.